FurryMUCK SM What's New?

Feb. 24, 2012 - Changed the announcement about the Domain Name change and announced that the old domain name no longer connects to FurryMUCK SM.

Feb. 20, 2012 - Added an announcement about the Domain Name change and corrected email addresses on all pages except the archived old FurryMUCK Webstation site pages because of the domain name change.

Aug. 22, 2010 - Added an announcement to the main page about FurryMUCK's SM server move and changed the IP address on the Getting Connected page.

May 15, 2004. - Added an announcement to the main page about FurryMUCK's SM server move and changed the IP address on the Getting Connected page.

Feb. 28, 2004. - Added sample character requests to character request page and sample adult status request to adult status page.

Jan. 11, 2004. - Revised basic building methods page.

Jan. 7, 2004. - Added a listing of common global actions to the getting started page.

Jan. 6, 2004. - How to Find a Home and Basic Building Methods to the getting started page.

Jan. 5, 2004. - Added the current list of public programs and MPI Macros to the getting started page.

Jan. 4, 2004. - Revised the getting connected page and added two pages of how to connect instructions and the practical MPI examples.

Jan. 3, 2004. - Added character request FAQ and revised the character request page.

Dec. 9, 2003. - Added the archive of the previous FurryMUCK WebStation site and updated the webmaster email address.

Nov. 30, 2003. - Nothing much at the moment. This is the first version of the new FurryMUCK website.


Feedback: Please send your message to The Webmaster.webmaster@furrymuck.com"

                                                                                Date: Feb. 24, 2012